STC Master Plan
View the STC Master Plan
Welcome to the
Stamford Transportation Center
Master Plan website
The Stamford Transportation Center (STC) is the busiest passenger rail station in Connecticut, serving about 28,300 customers each weekday (pre-COVID). The STC serves Metro-North Railroad and Amtrak trains. It is the Stamford hub for CTtransit buses, as well as Stamford’s intercity bus station. It is also the hub for private shuttles linking area employers to the trains and buses serving the STC.
With this volume of trains and buses, the STC is also a key access point for taxis and transportation network companies (TNC) such as Uber and Lyft. The STC provides garage parking for commuters as well as a number of amenities for passengers and the general public, including some limited retail and dining facilities.
With all of these uses packed into a site that is constrained in size by the railroad tracks, Interstate 95, and surrounding development, improvements for customer access and the overall passenger experience must be carefully coordinated. The STC Master Plan provides a new vision for the STC and lays out a program of improvements to transform the complex into a best-in-class facility. Learn more about the master planning process »

Rendering showing view of concourse level concept.
STC Master Plan Elements
The STC Master Plan includes a range of elements that address the needs of the STC in both the short- and long-term.
Transformative Vision
Built on the results of the other elements, the vision includes recommendations to create a more engaging, convenient, safe and aesthetically pleasing multimodal customer experience. The recommendations help establish iconic identity/brand, increase sustainability and resiliency, promote the use of public transit and enhance connectivity and integration between circulation components, including the STC facility itself and Station Place.
Traffic & Station Area Roads
This element analyzed traffic volumes and crash history data for station area roadways at/around the STC complex including, but not limited to, the Stamford Urban Transitway, Atlantic Street, North State Street, South State Street, Washington Boulevard, and Station Place. Recommendations were made to improve access for all roadway users, including bicycles and pedestrians.
Pedestrian Paths of Travel
In this element, paths of travel both internal to the STC and external to access the STC were reviewed and evaluated, and changes recommended to improve clarity of pedestrian wayfinding and connectivity, enhancing the pedestrian experience, minimizing walking distances, and strengthening safe and convenient connectivity and access to station amenities, retail, ticketing, and transportation services.
Customer Waiting Areas
This element evaluated the physical condition, functional performance, capacity and accommodation of demand, clarity of access and use, as well as connectivity between waiting areas, rail platforms and bus bays, along with the quality of the customer experience. Resulting conceptual design improvements and recommendations seek to improve customer experience, comfort, and convenience for the general public.
Under this element, conceptual wayfinding improvements were developed to enhance/streamline static signage as well as introduce dynamic electronic signage throughout the site including the station building, roadway network, pick-up/drop-off zones, and bus/shuttle connections, to address current and future uses at and around the STC.
Bus and Shuttle Operations
Built off of the 2016 Stamford Bus and Shuttle Study, this element provides recommendations of bus and shuttle management plans to be implemented to improve customer safety, convenience and comfort in the bus and shuttle areas below I-95 and other identified locations at and around the STC complex.
TNC & Taxi Service
This element evaluated existing Transportation Network Company (TNC, such as Uber and Lyft) and taxi service operations at and around the STC complex as well as the development of recommendations to improve customer access and safety, convenience and comfort at/around the STC complex.